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Webmaster Services
The key to hassle free online presence
A lot of individuals ask us the same thing – “Why do I require the services of a webmaster? What else has to be done with the website now that it’s finished?”
After they’ve been designed and posted to the web server, most websites require ongoing maintenance.
If a website is left unattended, it can suffer from a variety of issues: unscrupulous hackers can inject dangerous code, viruses, or even hijack your website; your website can crash without your knowledge; or your bandwidth can be surpassed, causing your hosting company to pull your website down.
You’ll also need someone to keep an eye on your website’s traffic, upload updates, and notify you of any modifications that need to be done to keep it current and legal.
A typical small WordPress website is very straightforward to manage if nothing goes wrong, but it still requires a few hours each month to monitor security, update plugins and core software, and ensure that the website is functioning properly after the upgrades.